Smart Hotel
KNX allows you to transform an ordinary hotel into a modern and smart hotel. With a control display in each room of the hotel, as well as a small number of switches, your guests will be able to control the lights, heating, blinds and the alarm and lock system for each room individually.
Transform your Hotel using KNX, a modern and reliable technology

Switches and Sockets
KNX offers a wide range of control interfaces to conveniently and conveniently operate and program the entire lighting, cooling and heating system, curtains and blinds in a hotel room.

Air conditioning
KNX enables advanced hotel climate control. You can activate or deactivate the air conditioning of a room or hotel space without harm to its occupants, generating great savings.

Server and Supervision
KNX makes it possible to supervise a hotel’s entire cooling, heating, lighting and security management system through a central, server-type computer and a single operational interface.

Access Control
KNX offers hotels that seek modernity and comfort for their guests, an advanced biometric access system to rooms, which only authorized guests can access.

Lighting Management
With KNX-based advanced lighting controls and automation systems, it is easy for even a child to control the ambient lighting of a hotel room. Beauty and total control guaranteed.

Sensors and Measurement
KNX light and motion sensors can be linked to various equipment in the hotel and its rooms, as they have a high level of logical intelligence, as well as great amplitude and reach.

Components and Interface
To be integrated with a KNX home automation system, offering its guests all the comfort that a modern building automation system has, a hotel will need a considerable diversity of components.

Blinds Management
KNX makes it possible to control the curtains and blinds in each hotel room. The controls are similar to the control of the lighting system, and can even be integrated with each other for interesting combinations.

System Accessories
For a hotel to receive a modern home automation project, it is necessary that it receive an investment in equipment. Discover some accessories that make up a modern automation system for Hotels using KNX.
We are looking for partnerships and clients
Builders, engineers, architects, investors, resellers, etc.
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